Whatever the size and location of your storage container, it is essential that you maintain it properly to preserve its longevity. One of the main benefits of a shipping container as a storage facility is its durability, after all it is designed to survive harsh transport conditions across the globe. The average storage container has a life span of 25 years, which makes them a great storage option for many businesses. But, like everything, a little maintenance can go a long way and will save you time and money in the long run.
Service Intervals
Containers are already designed to survive extreme marine travelling environments. They are fitted with excellent quality stainless steel bases and are painted with heavy duty paint to limit corrosion. This means that inspections and repairs are usually only needed every six months, to keep them in excellent shape.
Correct Positioning
When you install the container it is essential to ensure it is positioned on a well drained and level surface. It should be elevated to ensure it is not sat on water, which will eventually lead to corrosion. To make maintenance easier in the future, elevate the container enough to allow for quick inspections of the base. If the unit is only raised slightly, it will make it very difficult to spot any corrosion problems. Additionally, try to position the container so that it is not exposed to direct winds, which could speed up rusting.
Roof Inspections
If you are purchasing a used container to use for storage, it may have some dents on the roof. As a container travels around the world they are stacked on top of each other, which does lead to the odd dent. This is important when it comes to the roof, as it can lead to rainwater collecting in spots if the dent is not repaired. Once you have positioned your container you should repair any dents and treat with a marine grade paint that is designed to prevent rust.
Locks And Doors
Shipping container locks and doors are designed to be heavy duty, but it is important to pay close attention to their functioning. By carrying out regular maintenance to hinges, seals and locks you will find that the locks and doors will last in excess of 20 years. If any dust or rust starts to build up, clean it and apply industrial grade lubricants as soon as possible.
Many of our customers purchase containers to use for storage units, which they later modify. It is common to add additional sections, windows and doors but, these extra joints are more susceptible to dust build up and rust. Try to keep the container joints as clean as possible to reduce dust build up, as this will also reduce the potential rust build up.
We are one of the leading providers of steel container units and site cabins in London. If you have any questions about preserving the life of a container, or would like more information about the storage units we have available, please contact us.