We offer a variety of construction site tool storage options on our website for those looking for steel container hire in London, but in this blog, we’re asking what type of tool storage is best for your business, and why.
Keep It in the Van
For small jobs, your builders might want to keep their tools and materials in the van and transport everything between the workplace and the destination. However, this is far from recommended if your company has any fear of theft.
This article from Simply Business states that almost 80% of tradespeople choose to leave their tools in their vans overnight. Thieves have developed a method called ‘peel and steal’ which in practice means that vans filled with tools can be robbed quickly and easily.
Replacing these tools can be expensive, and the mental damage that can be inflicted on an individual who is robbed can also affect the output and productivity of the business. This means that storing tools in vans simply isn’t safe.
Understandably moving the tools between the van and secure business premises every night will take time, but you need to consider whether your company will be able to afford the costs of resupplying stolen tools in the event of a theft, compared to the time needed to be spent moving those tools.
Security Boxes
Using security boxes to hold your most important tools which are then left in the van is an extra security measure, but the vandals may be savvy enough to recognise the security box as holding worthwhile materials and attempt to run off with the entire box.
You could take extra security measures by bolting the boxes to the van, or by leaving dummy boxes near the toolboxes that should distract any would-be thieves.
Steel Containers
Unlike a security box, very few thieves are going to be able to steal an entire steel storage container. Installing a steel container on the premises of your work will ensure that your work materials are kept safe, without costing your organisation the time it will take to move your tools between the business and the job every morning and night.
We stock steel containers in a range of sizes to suit all kinds of applications. Our steel containers can also be stacked for extra efficiency if your potential storage areas are quite limited.
You can find out more about our steel container hire and sales on our website.
Anti-Vandal Unit
If you are working in an area that is well known for vandalism, then you might be interested in upgrading from a steel container to an anti-vandal unit in London. These units take extra precautions to prevent would-be thieves from stealing your business goods.
These units have fewer entry points and hidden internal hinges. They also contain a five-lever insurance-approved mortice deadlock and anti-jemmy angles. If you want to know more about what this means for you, we recommend that you contact us for more information regarding our products and services.
Making the Most of Your Unit
A site cabin offers a lot of space for your tools, but to save time, you will want to be sure that your tools and materials are well organised. We recommend looking at purchasing some shelving units to arrive alongside your steel container to ensure that you can keep careful track of all of your tools.
Remember that thefts sometimes occur from within the company, so it is important to make sure that all of your equipment is accounted for. Good organisation can help you to manage this.
You should also consider the safety of your employees when storing tools. You’ll need to ensure that heavy items aren’t likely to fall onto employees and that easily flammable items are stored separately. For example, if your company uses gas, you will need to keep your gas supplies separate from your tools to protect your staff in the event of a leak. Gas leaks can be especially dangerous near items which can ignite sparks when they are used – and this is just one example of storage precautions that you may need to consider on your construction site.
Flintham Cabins offers delivery service with its products, and all steel containers come with a secure padlock. Consider what your needs and requirements are for your next project and contact us for a quote. Our customer service team will be happy to help answer your questions.