Perhaps you are considering purchasing a storage container, or maybe you already own one but want to know more about what you can do with it and how to maintain it. We’ve curated some of the best videos on the internet so that you can continue to enjoy storage containers – even when you’re on a break!
1) Exploding Shipping Containers
This video will educate you about the problems that can arise when you fill your container with dangerous products like gas. In this video, you can learn about how and why shipping containers are exploding.
The main message to take away from this video is that as little as one litre of propane could be enough to cause your shipping container to rupture, assuming your shipping container has no ventilation – which most do not.
2) So, You Want to Bury a Container?
This tongue-in-cheek video will teach you everything you need to know about burying a shipping container. You might be asking yourself why anyone would want to bury one, but many people are under the assumption that burying a shipping container is an easy way to make your basement or bunker.
What we learned from this video was that you should always check the quality of a shipping container when buying used and that burying a shipping container is not as easy as one might think. You need to think about drainage, ventilation, transportation and construction materials.
3) Transporting Your Containers
Ever wondered how easy it is to transport a shipping container by yourself? This smart video can show you the entire process, including the kind of equipment you need to manage it successfully. Really, they make it look easy:
From this video, we learn that moving a heavy shipping container could be easier than you might think, with the right tools.
4) Types of Shipping Container
Shipping containers come in all shapes and sizes; you might be surprised to learn how many different types there are. This video is perfect for someone who is thinking about buying a storage container, but isn’t sure what type would be most useful for their needs:
Once you’ve decided what kind of container you need, speak to us about our steel storage containers for more information about what we can offer you.
5) Building a Shipping Container Home
There are so many videos on the internet that will tell you about all kinds of homes made out of shipping containers all across the world, but this series of videos is one of the few that will tell you about the process of making that dream a reality. This YouTube series includes all the legal problems that came up for this innovative home designer during his journey, as well as the many interesting workarounds they planned to surmount those problems.
While the video we added about how to bury a container leaves the viewer with plenty of tips about what they definitely should never do, this video series has a far more positive spin by discussing one individual’s successes over the problems he faces.
6) Tiny Home Time Lapse
You might not be looking for a fact-intensive video during your break, but you might enjoy this time lapse where a group of young people construct a tiny home from a shipping container. They carefully manage all the important features, including ventilation and insulation. They even squeeze a wood burner in there!
What we learn from this video is that anything is possible with enough time and dedication. Perhaps you might be inspired to begin your shipping container project sometime soon?
7) Storage Hunters Clips
Storage Hunters is a show where people bet on abandoned storage containers, often without knowing what’s in there. In this clip, you are shown one of the most heated moments in the entire show:
If you like watching people stake their lives on gambling, this could be the show for you.
There is plenty more to be enjoyed when you’re surfing the internet for news and tips about storage containers, but we hope that you enjoyed our carefully curated collection here. For more information about anything to do with storage containers in London, speak to us for advice.